Drop Water Co vending machine fills beverages into compostable containers


Drop Water Co is a new sustainable beverage vending machine that fills beverages into compostable containers at the push of a button. The water for the machine does not have to be transported because it is connected to a water source on site. 

System: Drop Water Co vending machine
Industry: Automat technology
Customer requirements: Safe energy supply
Solution from igus: Ready-made readychain energy chain systems

Customer Problem:

A linear robot, which is supplied with energy and data, is used to produce and dispense the beverage. Despite the use of an energy chain, the lines in the prototype failed. It was found that the lines rotated slowly with each cycle and the lines were twisted after >1,000 cycles.

The second problem was packaging. In order not to have to buy, cut, modify and finally assemble every single component, the company needed a solution that saved time and assembly costs.

igus® solution:

With the correct interior layout and ordering a ready-made readychain e-chain system, the machine now works perfectly. This enabled the company to save a lot of time and money for assembly.

Learn more about readychain
