​​​​​​​iglide® SG03 plain bearings with felt seals

iglidur SG03 plain bearing and thrust washer with felt seal
Tech up
  • Clean bearings even with dirt and dust, thanks to felt seal
  • Ready-to-install solution
Cost down
  • Excellent value
  • Maintenance-free
  • Better running performance
  • The natural felt seals perfectly against dust and dirt
  • In laboratory tests, a service life up to 50 times higher was achieved.
  • Environment-friendly since no external lubrication is required
  • Good coefficient of wear and therefore long service life

Safe from dirt and dust

Bearings in dirty environments

What are iglide® materials made of?

Base polymers

iglidur base polymers

Fibres and fillers

iglidur base polymers with fibres

Solid lubricants

USP picture

Short news presentation of the iglide® SG03 plain bearing with felt seal